Is the first sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Christian community.  When we are baptized, we are freed from sin and become sons and daughters of God. In baptism, we are welcomed into the Catholic Church.

Infants up to about age 7 years may be baptized on the second and fourth Sundays of the month after the noon Mass, or during any Sunday Mass.

Parents attend a baptismal preparation class led by one of the Deacons from our parish. Baptismal preparation classes are held once a month in the evening.  

Call the rectory to make arrangements for attending the baptism preparation class and schedule your child's baptism: 610-965-2426.

Children ages 8 to 14 need to learn about the Catholic faith before they are baptized. For children over age 8 contact Chris Kimock at for more information.

Adults who want to be baptized into the Catholic Church attend Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) meetings from September until May. Baptism, along with Holy Communion and Confirmation, are given to adults and older children who have learned about the Catholic faith at the Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday evening before Easter Sunday)

Contact the RCIA coordinatorChris Kimock for more information.

Pope Francis spoke about the meaning of baptism at his weekly general audience Jan. 15.