Through the generosity of our parishioners who donate to the monthly Parish Missions envelopes, St. Ann's Church continues to assist many families in need who live in our local and even global communities.

Recent donations were made to:

$2,000 to Mlomotsha School in Zimbabwe

$2,000 to Mercy School for Special Learning (Allentown)

$2,000 to Greater Valley YMCA (warming shelter)

$1,000 to Family Promise (help homeless families)

$1,000 to Catholic Charities (senior citizens program)

$1,000 to The Kindness Project (supporting foster children)

In addition to these local causes, our Parish Missions envelopes have helped to support families in areas that have been devastated by floods, tornados, and other natural disasters that have tragically taken lives and homes.

Thank you for your continued kindness and care in making sure that families and individuals have the support they deserve and need in challenging circumstances.