For many of us, Lent brings memories of small white cardboard bowls that sat on our Friday night table as part of Operation Rice Bowl--a way for families to bring together all three of our Lenten promises: prayer, fasting, and charity. In addition to the bowl, families received a card with suggested and simple Friday night meals (soup and crackers or grilled cheese, etc.) and these smaller and spartan meals would be substituted for a family. The money saved by not having a "regular" meal would then be donated each week into the bowl and at the end of Lent the money was collected at church. As you can see from the photo above, the actual bowl has evolved, but the objective is still the same--during Lent, we can assist in feeding those who are food insecure around the globe and here in our own communities.

As you exit Mass this weekend, take a new Rice Bowl for your family. There's a wonderful calendar that shares reflections, intentions, and stories for each day of Lent. Rekindle or start a very basic, yet important tradition with your family this year.

Prefer to give online? Click HERE. Thank you for your kindness.


Operation Rice Bowl was born right here in the Diocese of Allentown at St. Thomas More Church! What once served as a way for our diocesan parishes to give to global hunger efforts spawned an effort that has become a national program adopted by Catholic Relief Services and has raised more than $320 million since 1975!