Has it been a while since you faithfully completed your Lenten promises?
Below is a reminder of our Catholic practice of penance to deepen our connection to this holy time throughout the 40 days of Lent.
As Catholics, we fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and we observe the laws of abstinence on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.
Who must fast?
All Catholics between 18-59 years. The obligation ends on a person’s 59th birthday (60th year).
Who must abstain?
All Catholics 14 years and older.
What is fasting?
To observe fasting, you may take only one full meal on the day of the fast. Two light meals (not equal to another full meal) may be consumed to maintain strength, if needed.
What is abstinence?
The law of abstinence forbids eating meat, including poultry. In the spirit of penance, one may also voluntarily abstain from lawful pleasures.
Can you be excused from fasting and/or abstinence?
All Diocesan priests are able to excuse persons in their care for a just cause. If you are ill, or have a similar, serious reason, you are excused from observing fasting and abstinence. Catholics are reminded not to excuse themselves lightly from this obligation.
What is my Easter duty?
Catholics are required to receive Holy Communion during Easter time (First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday). Those conscious of serious sin are reminded to confess sins at least once a year during Lent.
Lent is also an important time to remember our spiritual pledge to pray more and increase our charitable works, either through service or almsgiving.