Our Helping Hands ministry will be collecting nonperishable food items to stock the Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes for families in need. It’s another difficult year for many local families. Helping Hands’ leader Derek Demchak reminds parishioners that it is a very short season between the two holidays. The group will be doing ONLY ONE COLLECTION for BOTH HOLIDAYS.

A list of suggested items can be FOUND HERE.

If you would like to sign up for the Gift Campaign TAP or CLICK HERE!

If you would like to help pack the food boxes, you can SIGN UP HERE!

Your generosity is truly appreciated as there are always extra names that are added to the list of families in need. If you are unsure of what to donate or don’t have time to shop, grocery store gift cards or cash donations are always welcome. Helping Hands will purchase food items for you. Please place gift cards or donations in a marked envelope in the Sunday collection.